Selasa, 12 Februari 2019

Family of Peter S

First Generation

Peter Sondakh

Mr. Peter Sondakh is head of Rajawali Corpora, an investment firm founded in 1984 whose portfolio includes hotels, media and mining.

Mr. Peter was born in 1953. he is from manado city where his father run business in trading coconut oil and timber.

Shares of its taxi operator Express were suspended from the Indonesian Stock Exchange in 2018 due to its failure failing to pay interest on bonds.

Other assets include the Four Seasons hotel in Jakarta, internet service provider Velo Networks, and TV network Rajawali Televisi. He is also

controlling several luxury 5 star hotel at Indonesia.

Second Generation

Claudia Sondakh 

Mrs Claudia Sondakh is daughter of Mr Peter Sondakh, She is owner of Plentyfull, a luxury and healthy restaurant. Another her company is  a fashion company, robe raiders.

Evan Kwee

Mr. Eva Kwee is  husband of Mrs. Claudia Sondakh, He is member  of Kwee family, tycoon from Singapore. His grandfather is from Bandung city at west java, he run a textile company at Bandung. 

Kwee Family is owner of luxury property business in Singapore under the pontiac land group there are Ritz charlton Millenia and The Capella.

Kwee Family is also related to Kenwood coroporation controlled by george aratani. 

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